Latest Happenings at Warwick Methodist Church
Bread Church is now 7 Years Old – and still going strong with 24 joining us for lunch this week
Rev Peter Powers (far right in the picture below) introduced Bread Church in October 2016 and the first Bread Church was held on 8th Nov 2016
“Master bakers” Michael and Ian (pictured right) were on hand on Tuesday to bake buns/loaves and help with a bit on kneading!

Sunday Collections
Instead of taking the collection during the service,
the baskets will be at the entrance doors for the collection
to be placed in before the service begins.
The baskets will be taken up during the service to be blessed.
Sylvia Fair is now organising the flowers in Church
for Sunday services and the Sunday coffee rota.
If you would like to make a donation towards flowers
or can help with serving coffee on Sundays please
contact Sylvia, your help and support would be very much appreciated
Many thanks